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Works with Zebra, Toshiba, Datamax, Sato & TSC printers
Licencing per PC/Printer
Label Design
Direct display of selected element properties
Wide range of variable data types available
Drag & Drop and sizing with mouse
Grid and Guide line control for accurate layout
Full control with mouse, arrows or value entry
Layering with move elements to front/back
Settings for inverse, negative or backwards print
Group alignment & properties tools
Undo/Redo multiple levels
Customised print time prompts
Export/import of templates and associated files
Automatic addition of prefix/suffix
Metric or Imperial ruler & measurement settings
Ribbon & label colour options
Settings for max/min length, truncation and padding
Settings for constraints and coercion
Preferences setting - font, barcode, sizes etc
Optional display of pre-printed label background
Label Settings
Large selection of standard label sizes
Straightforward creation of new types & sizes
Settings for peel-off, tear-off & cutter
Settings for continuous, gap or black line
Settings for multiple labels across web
Select printer fonts & Truetype fonts
Automatic copy-fit and left, centre, right justification
Rich text with rules based control with Macro Scripting
Currency, Weight and numeric data types.
Control of no of decimal places for pricing, sizing units
Automatic formatting of currency £,p,$,¢,€ for pricing
Automatic formatting of units kg,g,m,cm,lb,ozfor sizing
Constraint control for data input, Uppercase etc
All common symbologies including 2D
Uses printer generated barcodes for accuracy
GS1 UCC/EAN Wizard for application identifier generation
Automatic check digit calculation
Macro Scripting for non standard check digits etc
Human readable text options
Lines, Boxes and picures of all graphic formats
Integrity of graphic maintained even when resized
Various algorithm choices for rendering to monochrome
Library of industry appropriate, scalable truetype symbols
Graphics or Symbol can be chosen from database field
Incrementing, Decrementing & Serialisation
Wide range of ranges and custom ranges
Options for limit reached etc
Start value from fixed, keyboard, other element or database
Next serial number memorised for next run
Date & Time
Wide range of formats available
Custom formats
Date/Time offsets from keyboard or database or calculated
Option Lists
Choose predefined options at print time.
Options chosen can cause print of an associated
Print Time Processing
Basic like, Macro Script language to control label variables
Real time calculations for currency, weight etc
Linking and concatenation of label variables
Wizard for easy connection
Multiple database types and OLEDB & ODBC for all others
Connection to spreadsheets or text files (csv etc)
SQL queries and sophisticated filter control
Create predefined filters or sql queries for print time
Selection of individual record or groups at print time
Copy quantity control from database fields
Print Lists creation from selected records with quantities
Datastore facility creates database from input label data
Create your own database appropriate to your label
Design label for keyboard input & allow database to be created from data entered at print time
Data in mdb format can be read and edited by spreadsheet or other database software
Full preview of data on the label before print
Data entry from keyboard and or database
Create & save print jobs using Print List setup
Print to file facility, raw printer commands
Direct, command language print for high speed
Print speed optimisation, saves fixed data in printer
Print Only Version
Click thumbnail view of labels for selection for print
Can add records to the Datastore, if allowed to
Job Control
Print list can be created and saved for repeat print jobs
Management & Audit control
Password and user control of Design and or Print Only
Audit history of labels printed against time and user.
No limitations or licence restrictions on use across a network
Printer can be local or network remote
Label templates & database can be remote
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